
Cord Pagenstecher
Curating and Analyzing Oral History Collections,
in: CLARIN Annual Conference 2018 Proceedings, ed. by Inguna Skadin and Maria Eskevich, 2018: 34-38, URL: https://office.clarin.eu/v/CE-2018-1292-CLARIN2018_ConferenceProceedings.pdf
> Oral History-Sammlungen kuratieren und analysieren


This paper presents the digital interview collections available at Freie Universität Berlin, focusing on the online archive 'Forced Labor 1939–1945', and discusses the digital perspectives of curating and analyzing oral history collections. It specifically looks at perspectives of interdisciplinary cooperation with CLARIN projects and at the challenges of cross-collection search and de-contextualization.


> https://office.clarin.eu/v/CE-2018-1292-CLARIN2018_ConferenceProceedings.pdf, 34-38

Dr. Cord Pagenstecher. Geschichte - Digital - Forschung - Bildung

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